Dr. Fekete-Kertész Ildikó
egyetemi adjunktus

E-mail: fekete.kertesz.ildiko@vbk.bme.hu
Phone: +36 (1) 463-2347
Address: H-1111, Budapest, Szent Gellért sqr. 4., Ch building 2nd floor, 244.
doktori.hu: https://doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=192&lang=HU&sz_ID=45376
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ildik%C3%B3-fekete-kert%C3%A9sz-phd-544155113/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ildiko-Fekete-Kertesz
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8s1JzwIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra
MTA: http://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=10053684
Total impact factor: 78.845
H-index: 10
Number of independent references: 329
Number of publications: 69 (of which 24 international, refereed, peer-reviewed journal articles – 21 impact factor and 2 non-impact factor journals; 1 book chapter; 1 science popularization article; 41 conference or other communications.
Research area
Characterisation of the environmental toxicological impact of micro-pollutants in the aquatic ecosystem using conventional and innovative ecotoxicological methods. Development of problem-specific, more sensitive methods for the environmental toxicological characterisation of nanomaterials (nano tatnium-dioxide and graphene oxide). Assessment of the impact of waste samples on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Investigation of the effect of cyclodextrins on bacterial communication (quorum quenching).
Professional experience
January 2019 – : Senior Lecturer. Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group
July 2017 – December 2018: Assistant Lecturer. Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science
September 2016 – June 2017: Research Fellow. New National Excellence Programme Scholarship; Research topic: The effect of nano titanium dioxide and coexisting biologically active micropollutants on the aquatic ecosystem at different trophic levels
January – September 2016: Environmental fate expert. National Food Chain Safety Office – Pesticide and crop protection product authorisation, environmental fate and behaviour assessment
December 2013 – January 2015: Researcher, Production Manager. BioFil Microbiological, Gene-technological and Biochemical Ltd. Bacterial soil inoculum production; strain maintenance, product quality control, certification
February 2012 – August 2012: Research fellow. Pro Progressio Research Fellowship. Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science; Research topic: The sensitivity of Daphnia magna heartbeat rate test to aquatic micropollutants. Development of an environmental risk management toolkit with a focus on soil improvement technologies using waste.
Research projects
So far, I have been involved as a participating researcher in 11 national and international research projects, 2 of which were Horizon 2020 Programme proposals and one funded by a Norwegian fund, and 4 OTKA proposals:
OTKA_PD_146326 (January 2024 – ) – Principal investigator: Towards understanding how more environmentally realistic exposure modulates the toxicity of graphene oxide in the aquatic ecosystem. National Research, Development and Innovation Office (30 000 e HUF)
OTKA_K_143571 (December 2022 – ) – Fellow researcher: Surface activity of graphene derivatives modified with heteroatoms (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Project leader: Krisztina Nagyné László. National Research, Development and Innovation Office (47 510 e HUF)
ELECTRA H2020 (January 2019 – December 2022) – Fellow researcher: Electricity driven Low Energy and Chemical input Technology for Accelerated Bioremediation. Funded by the European Union. https://www.electra.site (€ 7 301 140,18)
OTKA_K_128410 (September 2018 – ) – Fellow researcher: Responses of carbon nanoparticles to environmental effects; graphene oxides National Research, Development and Innovation Office (39 844 e HUF)
VKE_17 (March 2018 – February 2021) – Fellow researcher: Participating researcher: Development of metagenomics-based vaccines for in-situ bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with support of a new online monitoring system (NKFIH 4283-1/2017VKE_17), Funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH 4283-1/2017VKE_17).
OTKA 125093 (October 2017 – September 2020) – Fellow researcher: Cyclodextrin-based traps for bacterial communication. Project leader: Lajos Szente. Funding: National Research, Development and Innovation Office (35 400 e HUF)
TÉT_FR_16 (January 2017 – December 2018) – Fellow researcher: Development and application of an innovative technology for the removal of organic micro-pollutants. Project leader: Viktória Feigl. Funding: National Research, Development and Innovation Office (1 716 e HUF)
SCALE H2020 Project (December 2016 – May 2021) – Fellow researcher: Production of Scandium compounds and Scandium Aluminum alloys from European metallurgical by- products (H2020-EU.3.5.3). Funding: European Union. http://scale-project.eu/ (€ 7 706 625)
TERRA PRETA Project (July 2014 – October 2016) – Fellow researcher: Application of biochar and bacterial soil fertilizer for the improvement of degraded acidic sandy soils; Project host: BioFil Microbiology, Genetic Engineering and Biochemistry Ltd. Green Industry Innovation Program – EEA Grants and Norway Grants (229 414 543,71 HUF)
SOILUTIL Project (September 2009 – January 2014) – Fellow researcher: Soil improvement with waste (National Technology Programme, Liveable and Sustainable Environment; TECH_09-A4-2009-0129). http://www.soilutil.hu/en
CD-FILTER Project (January 2009 – January 2012) – Fellow researcher: Targeted removal of aquatic micro-pollutants from drinking water using cyclodextrin-based filters (National Technology Programme, Liveable and Sustainable Environment; TECH_08-A4/2-2008-0161). http://www.cdfilter.hu/
Grants and scientific visits
2023: Hungarian Academy of Sciences’s Reintegration grant for scientist raising small children
2022: „Back to science!” Grant to support the writing of scientific publications for university lecturers raising small children. Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
July 14-22, 2018: Short term scientific visit. France, Rennes. Research topic: Development and application of innovative technology for the removal of organic micro-pollutants (TÉT_FR_2016)
October 15-20, 2017: Short term scientific visit. France, Rennes. Research topic: Development and application of innovative technology for the removal of organic micro-pollutants (TÉT_FR_2016)
2016 – 2017: New National Excellence Programme Scholarship; Research topic: The combined effect of biologically active micro-pollutants and nano titanium dioxide – physiological responses at different levels of the aquatic ecosystem
September – October 2015: COST Action Grant (COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-TD1107-010915-068190); Research topic: Effect of biochar and compost soil amendment additives on N2O emissions in acidic sandy soils. Bioforsk Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research
September 2015 – August 2016: Pungor Ernő Doctoral candidate Grant: Investigation of the effect of biologically active micro-pollutants with the physiological characteristics of ecotoxicological test organisms. University of Technology and Economics of Budapest.
February 2012– August 2012: Pro Progressio Research Grant: Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science; Research topic: Proving the sensitivity of the Daphnia magna heart rate test to aquatic micro-pollutants. Development of an environmental risk management toolkit, with particular regard to soil improvement technologies using waste.
2024: Student reviews of education – List of the top100 lecturers”: 5th place
by: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2022: Élet és Tudomány – BME – Pro Progressio tudománynépszerűsítő cikkpályázat: kutatói-oktatói kategória II. díj. „Bolhából elefántot? – Nanoanyagok környezettoxikológiája” (In English: Life and Science – BME – Pro Progressio science-popularization article competition: researcher category II. prize. “Making a mountain out of a molehill? – Environmental toxicology of nanomaterials”)
2019: Student reviews of education – List of the top100 lecturers”: 30st place
by: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2018: Student reviews of education – List of the top100 lecturers”: 41st place
by: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2017: Best publication award; 3rd World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech’17), Research topic: The combined ecotoxicity of nTiO2 and coexisting micropollutants in the aquatic ecosystem.
2014: Best presentation Award – 3rd place; Environmental Sciences Conference of PhD Students. 2013.06.06. Budapest, Fekete-Kertész, I., Molnár, M, Nagy, Zs. M., Eller, N., Gruiz, K. Ecotoxicological assessment of micropollutants with Daphnia magna heartbeat rate test. (In Hungarian)
2013: PhD Poster Award; AquaConsoil 2013 – 12th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management. Research topic: Ecotoxicological methods for monitoring the effects of micropollutants in waters
Educational experience
Participation in the teaching of the following subjects at the Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science of the BME from 2013:
– Environmental toxicology presentation (in Hungarian and English)
– Environmental toxicology lab (in Hungarian and English)
– Microbiology lab
– Basics of environmental protection
– Environmental risk management
Microbiology laboratory practice subject supervisor, development of topics, laboratory management from 2017
Diploma thesis supervision: Horváth Dorina (2013), Hermann Péter (2014), Széles Laura (2015), Ulmann Orsolya (2017), Csizmár Panna (2017), Piszmán Dóra (2016) Várnai Krisztina (2017), Molnár Andrea (2017), Lukács Flóra (2017), Hodossi Márk (2018), Keil Gyöngyvér (2018), Tóth Zsófia (2018), Kása Zsombor (2019), Laskai Zsófia (2019), Abbas Anna (2019), Terebesi Csilla (2020), Szőke Réka Zsófia (2020), Kun Kiara (2020), Kondri Ádám Ferenc (2020), Czibi Angelika Magdolna (2020)
Doctoral training – consultancy tasks: Zsófia Berkl (graduated: November 2022)
Krisztina Várnai won the first prize under my supervision in the student category in 2017 at the Life and Science – BME – Pro Progressio science-popularising article competition. Submission title: Luminous, speckled and transparent living instruments.
Conference papers, presentations:
The number of presentations and posters presented at conference-type events is 31. The results of my research, was introduced in 15 oral presentations of which 5 were given by me. Of the oral and poster presentations, 13 were presented at national and 18 at international congresses, conferences, (mini)symposia or scientific meetings.
Editorial work in publishing scientific papers
Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering (2021 IF: 1.744, Q2) – I am currently acting as guest editor of the special issue of the Faculty of Chemical and Bioengineering celebrating 150 years of its existence. Planned publication: November 2023.
Membership of scientific boards
2022 – : Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences public body – Scientific Commettee of Ecological Sciences
Scientific conference organisation:
Participation in the organisation of the VBK 145 Scientific Symposium (145th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE FACULTY OF THE FACULTY OF PHYSICAL ENGINEERING AND BIOMETERING). 2018
Scientific Student Conference committee memberships: at the Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science of the BME in 2017 and in 2018.
University posts
Academic registrar at the BME Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science – full coordination of the department’s educational activity from 2017
Studies, scientific degree
2017 PhD degree: Thesis: Ecotoxicological assesment of emerging aquatic micropollutants using physiological endpoints. Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
2015 – 2016 Doctoral candidate: Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Oláh György Doctoral School
2012 – 2015 PhD student: Oláh György Doctoral School, Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
2010 – 2012 Bioengineer MSc: Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science; Thesis: Comparative assessment of ecotoxicity tests for the detection of the adverse effects of emerging micropollutants in water matrices
2006 – 2010 Bioengineer BSc: Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science; Thesis: Environmental risk management of an area contaminated with trichloroethylene
2001 – 2006 Secondary school: bilingual final exam: Dual Language School Balatonalmádi
Language skills
Hungarian: native
English: advanced (C)
Spanish: basic (C)