

We participated again at the Spring Wind Conference and we won two 1st prizes

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The Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates (DOSZ) in collaboration with the University of Miskolc, Hungary have organised again the multidisciplinary scientific conference labelled as the Spring Wind Conference in Miskolc, between 5-7th of May 2023.

Young researchers and doctoral candidates from all scientific disciplines had the opportunity to present their research outcomes in Hungarian and English, both in oral or poster sessions.

Our PhD students participated in two subsections and were awarded the 1st prize.

Rita Márton, (PhD supervisor: Dr. Mónika Molnár) was awarded the 1st prize in the Microbiology and Biotechnology subsection for the following oral presentation:

  • Márton Rita, Margl Márk, Szabó Eszter, Dr. Molnár Mónika – Assessment of the effect of cyclodextrines in the Candida albicans and Candida boidinii test systems

Szabina Molnár, (PhD supervisor: Dr. Mónika Molnár) was awarded the 1st prize in the Environmental science subsection for the oral presentation of the following topic:

  • Molnár Szabina, Dr. Molnár Mónika, Mátyus Nikolett, Novák Lilla – Aging induced alterations in biochar properties and in their effects on soils


Congratulations and further successes in your scientific career!