Emese Vaszita

Emese Vaszita

„LOKKOCK” Development of novel soil testing methods in support of site-specific risk assessment (GVOP-3.11-2004-05-0257/3.0)

Project title:  „LOKKOCK” Development of novel soil testing methods in support of site-specific risk assessment Funding Programme:  Economic Competitiveness Operative Programme (GVOP) Project Identification Number: GVOP-3.11-2004-05-0257 Project duration:  01. 01. 2005. – 31. 12. 2007. Project type: Consortial Project partners: Budapest University of…

„BANYAREM” Risk Reduction of Diffuse Pollution of Mining Origin (GVOP-3.1.1.–2004-05-0261/3.0)

Project title:  „BANYAREM” Risk Reduction of Diffuse Pollution of Mining Origin Funding Programme: Economic Competitiveness Operative Programme (GVOP) Project Identification Number: GVOP-3.1.1.–2004-05-0261 Project duration:  01. 01. 2005 – 31. 12. 2007. Project type: Consortial Project partners: Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)…

 “ENFO” Dynamic information system for environmentally efficient and environment conscious decision making (KMOP-3.3.4 C-2008-0005)

    Project title:  “ENFO” Dynamic information system for environmentally efficient and environment conscious decision making Funding Programme: New Hungary Development Plan, Central Hungary Operative Program (KMOP) Project Identification Number: KMOP-3.3.4 C-2008-0005 Project duration: 11. 11. 2008 – 01. 27. 2011 Project partners: Budapest…

“CD FILTER” Preparation of nanoporous filter systems to bind xenobiotics and their application for reuse of purified waste water (TECH_08-A4/2-2008-0161)

  Project title: “CD FILTER” Preparation of nanoporous filter systems to bind xenobiotics and their application for reuse of purified waste water Funding Programme: National Technology Programme, A4 Liveable, Sustainable Environment Project Identification Number: TECH_08-A4/2-2008-0161 Project duration:  01. 01. 2009 – 31. 01. 2012…

“SOILUTIL” Soil amelioration by innovative waste utilisation technologies (TECH_09-A4-2009-0129)

Project title: “SOILUTIL” Soil amelioration by innovative waste utilisation technologies Funding Programme: National Technology Programme, A4 Liveable, Sustainable Environment Project Identification Number: TECH_09-A4-2009-0129 Project duration: 2009. 09. 01 – 2014. 01. 31. Project type: Consortial Project partners: .A.S.A. Hungary Ltd (Consortium Leader) Weprot…

„TERRA PRETA” Combined application of biochar and microbial inoculant for deteriorated soils (me Project Identification Number: HU09-0029-A1-2013)

Projekt title: „TERRA PRETA” Combined application of biochar and microbial inoculant for deteriorated soils Funding Programme: Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, Green Industry Innovation Programme Project Identification Number: HU09-0029-A1-2013 Project duration: 2014. 07. 01 – 2016. 10. 31. Project type: Consortial…