Project meeting
The new year has started, so we had a project meeting. Together with the consortium members we reviewed the main results of the past year and started planning the research for the new year.
The new year has started, so we had a project meeting. Together with the consortium members we reviewed the main results of the past year and started planning the research for the new year.
An online synthesis meeting for external projects supported by the EJP SOIL project was organised on the 8th of October 2024. The progress of the AGROCOMPOSIT project was presented by Dr. Mónika Molnár, consortium leader. Several composting trials have been…
The first face-to-face meeting between the project partners was held in Budapest on the 14-15th of May 2024. On the first day, the partners were hosted at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. After the meeting, we organised laboratory…
The Agrocomposite project also aims to provide university students with a broader range of knowledge. In May 2024, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics hosted a lecture and workshop, where two invited speakers presented their research on biochar and…
Congratulations to Dominikas Lassu, who was awarded with the special prize of Bálint Analitika Ltd. for her TDK work in the Technical Sustainability Section of the BME 2024 Scientific Student Conference. Her TDK thesis was entitled: Soil amendment with biochar…