Congratulations to our students for their successful thesis defence! The thesis topics were on the one hand the exploitation of the microbiological potential of red mud (bauxite residue) and on the other hand the recycling of red mud. Henrik Hegedűs, Kinga Masa and Melinda Röhberg isolated bacteria and fungi from Hungarian and Greek red mud and investigated their potential biotechnological utilisation. The isolated strains were identified and their salt, pH and temperature tolerance, exopolysaccharide, siderophore and acid production, carbohydrate and other nutrient degradation capacity were analysed. In her thesis, Dóra Mukics took the first steps towards the bioleaching of critical raw materials from red mud using Aspergillus fungi species. The theses were supported by the National Research and Development Office OTKA FK 146542 project and the BME VBK József Varga Foundation. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Viktória Feigl
Congratulations to our graduating students!