Emese Vaszita

department engineer

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science

Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Research Group

Tel: +36 1 463 2347

email: emvaszita@mail.bme.hu

Academic qualifications:

Diploma at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology And Geophysics, Dipl. eng. geologist, 1985

Research interests:

  • Environmental risk management of abandoned mining sites
  • Environmental risk management of diffuse pollution
  • GIS mapping
  • Environmental risk assessment of metal contaminated sites
  • Remediation methods for metal contaminated soil and groundwater
  • Re-use of wastes for soil improvement and remediation
  • Environmental risk management of red mud contaminated soil (Ajka case study)
  • Reuse options of red mud (bauxite residue): soil improvement, extraction of valuable elements
  • Biochar utilisation in soil
  • Development of an environmental database

List of Publications in the HAS publication database

Language skills: English (Advanced C1), Romanian (Advanced C), German (Intermediate)