We participated at the 7th European Cyclodextrin Conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5-8th September 2023
We participated at the 7th European Cyclodextrin Conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5-8th September 2023. The event continues the traditions of the conference series (2009 Aalborg, Denmark; 2011 Asti, Italy; 2013 Antalya, Turkey; 2015 Lille, France; 2017 Lisbon, Portugal; 2019 Santiago de Compostela, Spain) with a special focus on young researchers and students. The aimRead More
Dr. Viktoria Feigl has been officially appointed Associate Professor
Congratulations to our colleague, Dr. Feigl, Viktoria who has been officially awarded the Associate Professor title as of the 1st of April 2023!
Our colleagues amongst the TOP 100 best educators of BME
Based on the Student Opinion Survey (OHV) for the autumn semester of the academic year 2022/23, two members of our group (Márton Rita and Berkl Zsófia) were voted by the students among the best 100 lecturers at BME. Congratulations on the achievement!
Dr. Viktória Feigl introduced our group at the BME FIEK Innovation day
As last year, this year, we participated again at the BME FIEK Innovation day on the 09th of June 2023. We were represented by Dr. Feigl Viktória who introduced our group, the research activity and the topics and areas within which we are looking for partners for the calls announced in the HORIZON programme. TheRead More
We participated again at the Spring Wind Conference and we won two 1st prizes
The Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates (DOSZ) in collaboration with the University of Miskolc, Hungary have organised again the multidisciplinary scientific conference labelled as the Spring Wind Conference in Miskolc, between 5-7th of May 2023. Young researchers and doctoral candidates from all scientific disciplines had the opportunity to present their research outcomes in Hungarian and English, bothRead More
Zsófia Berkl has successfully applied for the Pungor Ernő pre-PhD degree award scholarship
Our PhD student, Zsófia Berkl (supervisor: Dr. Mónika Molnár) has successfully applied for the Pungor Ernő pre-PhD degree award scholarship granted by the Oláh György Doctoral School of BME, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. The call was announced for PhD students completing with outstanding success all classes required for the PhD degree (absolutorium) andRead More
Scientific articles published by our research group during 2021-2023
The scientific publications of our research group in cooperation with national and/or international scientists during 2021-2023 in various scientific journals include the following: Fekete-Kertesz, I., Stirling, T., Vaszita, E., Berkl, Zs., Farkas, É., Hedwig, S., Remmen, K., Lenz, M., Molnar, M., Feigl, V. (2023) Ecotoxicity attenuation by acid-resistant nanofiltration in scandium recovery from TiO2 productionRead More
Successfully completed complex exam in January 2023
Congratulations to our PhD students, Rita Márton (PhD research topic: Modulation of Quorum Sensing (QS) in fungi, Supervisor: Dr. Mónika Molnár) and Szabina Molnár (PhD research topic: The effect of biochar ageing on biochar properties and on its applicability in soil, Supervisor: Dr. Mónika Molnár) for the successful complex exam in January 2023. The complexRead More
We participated at the 4th George Oláh Conference held at BME
Dr. Feigl Viktória represented our group at the 4th George Olah conference organised at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology on the 26th September 2022, where she held an oral presentation about the re-use of bauxite residue primarily based on the research results of our group during the lastRead More
We participated at the ISMET8 Conference in Chania, Crete on 19-23 September, 2022
Dr. Feigl Viktoria participated on behalf of our group at the ISMET8 -International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology – GLOBAL CONFERENCE in Chania, Crete on 19-23 September, 2022, organised by the Technical University of Crete, the University of Ghent and the University of Alcalá. The following poster (ID 222_Conference programme page 25 ) was presented on behalfRead More