BME ABÉT Környezeti Mikrobiológia és Biotechnológia csoport közleményei
Impakt faktoros folyóiratcikkek:
Fekete-Kertesz, I., Stirling, T., Vaszita, E., Berkl, Zs., Farkas, É., Hedwig, S., Remmen, K., Lenz, M., Molnar, M., Feigl, V. (2023) Ecotoxicity attenuation by acid-resistant nanofiltration in scandium recovery from TiO2 production waste, Heliyon 9, e15512,
Fenyvesi, É., Berkl, Zs., Ligethy, L., Fekete-Kertész, I., Csizmazia, M., Malanga, M., Puskás, I., Szőcs, L., Varga, E., Szente, L., Molnár, M. (2023) Novel Alkyl Thioether Cyclodextrin Derivatives Against Bacterial Quorum Sensing in Aliivibrio fischeri, Beilstein Journal Of Organic Chemistry pp. 1-41. , 41 p.
Favier, L., Simion, A.I., Hlihor, R.M., Fekete-Kertész, I., Molnár, M., Harja, M., Vial, C. (2023) Intensification of the photodegradation efficiency of an emergent water pollutant through process conditions optimization by means of response surface methodology. Journal of Environmental Management, 328, Paper: 116928.
Dell’Armi, E., Zeppilli, M., Di Franca, M. L., Matturro, B., Feigl, V., Molnár, M., Berkl, Zs., Németh, I., Yaqoubi, H., Rossetti, S., Papini, M. P., Majone, M. (2022) Evaluation of a bioelectrochemical reductive/oxidative sequential process for chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs) removal from a real contaminated groundwater, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 49, 103101,
Cruz Viggi, C., Tucci, M., Resitano, M., Matturro, B., Crognale, S., Feigl, V., Molnár, M., Rossetti, S., Aulenta, F. (2022) Passive electrobioremediation approaches for enhancing hydrocarbons biodegradation in contaminated soils, Science of The Total Environment, 845, 157325, ISSN 0048-9697.
Berkl, Z., Fekete-Kertész, I., Buda, K., Vaszita, E., Fenyvesi, É., Szente, L., Molnár, M. (2022) Effect of Cyclodextrins on the Biofilm Formation Capacity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Molecules, 27(11):3603.
Kerekes, I. K., Pusztai, Éva, Feigl, V., Kemény, S. (2022) Acute Ecotoxicological Effects of Bauxite Residue Addition on Mortality and Motion-frequency of Dendrobaena veneta and Enchytraeus albidus (Annelida) in Three Types of Soils”, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 66(3), 512–524.
Németh, I., Molnár, S., Vaszita, E., Molnár, M. (2021) The Biolog EcoPlate™ Technique for Assessing the Effect of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles on Freshwater Microbial Communities, Nanomaterials, 11(7), 1777.
Farkas, E., Feigl, V., Vaszita, E., Uzinger, N., Rékási, M., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M. (2021) Screening and Ranking Methodology Applied to Biochars Aimed at Acidic and Calcareous Sandy Soil Improvement, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 65(3), 361-377.
Hirsch, E., Pantea, E., Vass, P., Domján, J., Molnár, M., Suhajda, Á., Andersen, S. K., Vigh, T., Verreck, G., Marosi, Gy. J. et al. (2021) Probiotic bacteria stabilized in orally dissolving nanofibers prepared by high-speed electrospinning, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 128, 84-94, 11 p.
Molnár, M., Fenyvesi, E., Berkl, Zs., Németh, I., Fekete-Kertész , I., Márton, R., Vaszita, E., Varga., E. , Ujj, D., Szente, L. (2021) Cyclodextrin-mediated quorum quenching in the Aliivibrio fischeri bioluminescence model system – Modulation of bacterial communication, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 594, 120150.
Vinkovic, A., Sudac, D., Valkovic, V., Vdovic, N., Misic Radic, T., Marcius, M., Feigl, V., Obhođa, J. (2021) Effects of microscale particles in red mud amended artificial soils on bioaccumulation of elements in E. fetida, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 403, 123613.
Fekete-Kertész, I., László, K. , Terebesi, Cs., Gyarmati, B. S., Farah, S., Márton, R., Molnár, M. (2020) Ecotoxicity Assessment of Graphene Oxide by Daphnia magna through a Multimarker Approach from the Molecular to the Physiological Level including Behavioral Changes, Nanomaterials, 10, 2048, 1-16.
Vass, P., Pantea, E., Domokos, A. Hircsch, E., Domján, J., Németh, Á., Molnár, M., Fehér, Cs., Andersen, S. K., Vigh, T., Verreck, G., Marosi, Gy., Nagy, Zs. K. (2020) Electrospun Solid Formulation of Anaerobic Gut Microbiome Bacteria, AAPS PharmSciTech 21 (6), 1-9.
Nagyné-Kovács, T., Mészáros, B., Molnár, M., Tolner, M., Lukács, I. E., Szilágyi, M. I., Pokol, Gy. (2020) Hydrothermal Synthesis of Sr-doped Hydroxyapatite and Its Antibacterial Activity, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 64(1), 54-60.
Uzinger, N.; Takács, T.; Szili-Kovács, T.; Radimszky, L.; Füzy, A.; Draskovits, E.; Szűcs-Vásárhelyi, N.; Molnár, M.; Farkas, É.; Kutasi, J.; Rékási, M. (2020) Fertility Impact of Separate and Combined Treatments with Biochar, Sewage Sludge Compost and Bacterial Inocula on Acidic Sandy Soil. Agronomy, 10, 1612.
Farkas, E. , Feigl, V., Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Fekete-Kertész, I., Tolner, M., Kerekes, I., Pusztai, É., Kari, A., Uzinger, N., Rékási, M., Kirchkeszner, Cs., Molnár, M. (2020) Long-term effects of grain husk and paper fibre sludge biochar on acidic and calcareous sandy soils – A scale-up field experiment applying a complex monitoring toolkit, Science of the Total Environment 731, 138988.
Ragályi, P., Bernhardt, B., Rékási, M., Draskovits, E., Molnár, S., Molnár, M., Kutasi, J., Uzinger, N. (2019) Bioszén és baktérium oltóanyag különböző kombinációinak hatása kukorica elemösszetételére és elemfelvételére savanyú és meszes homoktalajon, Agrokémia és Talajtan 68(1):115-137,
Rékási, M., Szili-Kovács,T., Takács, T., Bernhardt,B., Puspán, I., Kovács, R., Kutasi, J., Draskovits, E., Molnár, S., Molnár, M. & Uzinger, N. (2019) Improving the fertility of sandy soils in the temperate region by combined biochar and microbial inoculant treatments, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65:1, 44-57,
Hackenberger, D. K., Feigl, V., Lončarić, Z., Hackenberger, B.K. (2019) Biochemical and reproductive effects of red mud to earthworm Eisenia fetida, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 168, 279–286,
Kerekes, I. K., Feigl, V. (2018) The Effect of Bauxite Residue on the Avoidance Behavior of Enchytraeus albidus (Enchytraeidae), Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering,
Nagyné-Kovács, T., Studnicka, L., Kincses, A., Spengler, G., Molnár, M., Tolner, M., Lukács, I. E., Szilágyi, I. M., Pokol, Gy. (2018) Synthesis and characterization of Sr and Mg-doped hydroxyapatite by a simple precipitation method, Ceramics International, 44 : 18, 22976-22982.
Farkas, E., Feigl, V., Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Ujaczki, E., Fekete-Kertész, I., Tolner, M., Horváth, CM., Berkl Z., Uzinger N., Rékási, M., Molnár, M., (2018) Microcosm incubation study for monitoring the mid-term effects of different biochars on acidic sandy soil applying a multiparameter approach, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 120, 24-36.
Ujaczki, É., Feigl, V., Molnár, M., Cusack, P., Curtin, T., Courtney, R., O’Donoghue, L., Davris, P., Hugi, C., W.H. Evangelou, M., Balomenos, E., Lenz, M. (2018). Reusing bauxite residues: benefits beyond (critical raw) material recovery. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, (0268-2575 1097-4660): 93 (9), 2498-2510.
Fekete-Kertész, I., Piszman, D., Molnár, M. (2017) Particle size and concentration dependent ecotoxicity of nano– and microscale TiO2 -comparative study by different aquatic test organisms of different trophic levels, Water Air & Soil Pollution, 228:245, 1–17.
Ujaczki, É., Zimmermann, Y., Gasser, C., Molnár, M., Feigl, V., Lenz, M. (2017) Red mud as secondary source for critical raw materials – Extraction study, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotehnology, (0268-2575 1097-4660): 92 (11), 2835-2844.
Feigl, V., Ujaczki É., Vaszita, E., Molnár M. (2017) Influence of red mud on soil microbial communities: application and comprehensive evaluation of the Biolog EcoPlate approach as a tool in soil microbiological studies, Science of the Total Environment, 595, 903–911.
Ujaczki, É., Zimmermann, Y.S., Gasser, C.A., Molnár, M., Feigl, V., Lenz, M. (2017) Red mud as secondary source for critical raw materials – Purification of rare earth elements by liquid/liquid extraction, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotehnology, (0268-2575 1097-4660): 92 (10), 2683-2690.
Mayes, W.M., Burke, I., Gomes, H.I., Anton, Á.D., Molnár, M., Feigl, V., Ujaczki, É. (2016) Advances in understanding environmental risks of red mud after the Ajka spill, Hungary. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2 (4), 332–343.
Fekete-Kertész, I., Maros, G., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M. (2016) The effect of TiO2 nanoparticles on the aquatic ecosystem: a comparative ecotoxicity study with test organisms of different trophic levels, Periodica Polytechnica –Chemical Engineering, 60 (4), 231–243.
Fekete-Kertész, I., Kunglné Nagy, Zs., Molnár, M. (2016): Ecological impact of micropollutants on aquatic life determined by an innovative sublethal endpoint Dapnia magna heartbeat rate, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 11:2, 345 – 354.
Molnár, M., Vaszita, E., Farkas, É., Ujaczki, É., Fekete-Kertész, I., Tolner, M., Klebercz, O., Kirchkeszner, Cs., Gruiz, K., Uzinger, N., Feigl, V. (2016) Acidic sandy soil improvement with biochar – a microcosm study, Science of The Total Environment, 563–564, 855–865.
Gruiz, K., Fekete-Kertész, I., Kunglné Nagy, Zs., Hajdu, Cs., Feigl, V., Vaszita, E., Molnár, M. (2016) Direct toxicity assessment – methods, evaluation, interpretation, Science of The Total Environment, 563–564, 803–812,
Ujaczki, É., Feigl, V., Farkas, É., Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M. (2016) Red mud as acidic sandy soil ameliorant: a microcosm incubation study, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 91 (6), 1596–1606.
Ujaczki, É., Feigl V., Molnár, M., Vaszita E., Uzinger, N., Erdélyi A., Gruiz, K. (2016) The potential application of red mud and soil mixture as additive to the surface layer of a landfill cover system: field-study, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 44, 189–196.
Ujaczki, É., Klebercz, O., Feigl, V., Molnár, M., Magyar, Á., Uzinger, N., Gruiz, K. (2015) Environmental toxicity assessment of the spilled Ajka red mud in soil microcosms for its potential utilisation as soil ameliorant, Periodica Polytechnica – Chemical Engineering, 59 (4), 253–261.
Fekete-Kertész, I., Kunglné Nagy, Zs., Gruiz, K., Magyar, Á., Farkas, É., Molnár, M. (2015) Assessing toxicity of organic aquatic micropollutants based on the total chlorophyll content of Lemna minor as a sensitive endpoint, Periodica Polytechnica – Chemical Engineering, 59 (4), 262–271.
Nagy, Z.M., Molnár, M., Fekete-Kertész, I., Molnár-Perl, I., Fenyvesi, E., Gruiz, K. (2014) Removal of emerging micropollutants from water using cyclodextrin, Science of the Total Environment, 485–486, 711–719.
Anton, AD., Klebercz, O., Magyar, A., Burke, IT., Jarvis, AP., Gruiz, K., Mayer, WM. (2014) Geochemical recovery of the Torna-Marcal river system after the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary, Environmental science: processes and impacts, 16(12), 2677–2685.
Lockwood, C.L., Mortimer, R.J.G., Stewart, D.I., Mayes, W.M., Peacock, C.L., Polya, D.A., Lythgoe, P.R., Lehoux, A.P., Gruiz, K., Burke, I.T. (2014) Mobilisation of arsenic from bauxite residue (red mud) affected soils: Effect of pH and redox conditions, Applied Geochemistry, 51, 268–277.
Fekete-Kertész, I., Molnár, M., Atkári, Á., Gruiz, K., Fenyvesi, É. (2013) Hydrogen peroxide oxidation for in situ remediation of trichloroethylene – from the laboratory to the field, Periodica Polytechnica, 57(1-2), 41–51.
Lehoux, A.P., Lockwood, C.L., Mayes, W.M., Stewart, D.I., Mortimer, R.J.G., Gruiz, K., Burke, I.T. (2013) Gypsum addition to soils contaminated by red mud: Implications for aluminium, arsenic, molybdenum and vanadium solubility, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 35 (5), 643–656.
Nagy, Zs.M., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Fenyvesi, É. (2013) Comparative evaluation of microbial and chemical methods for assessing 4-chlorophenol biodegradation in soil, Periodica Polytechnica, 57(1-2), 25–35.
Rékási, M., Feigl, V., Uzinger, N., Gruiz, K., Makó, A., Anton, A. (2013) The effects of leaching from alkaline red mud on soil biota: modelling the conditions after the Hungarian red mud disaster, Chemistry and Ecology, 29 (8), 709–723.
Klebercz, O., Mayes, W.M., Anton, Á.D., Feigl, V., Jarvis, A.P., Gruiz, K. (2012) Ecotoxicity of fluvial sediments downstream of the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14 (8), 2063–2071.
Burke, IT., Mayes, WM., Peacock, CL., Brown, AP., Jarvis, AP., Gruiz, K. (2012) Speciation of Arsenic, Chromium, and Vanadium in red mud samples from the Ajka spill site, Hungary. Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 3085−3092.
Renforth, P., Mayes, W.M., Jarvis, A.P., Burke, I.T., Manning, D.A.C. and Gruiz, K. (2012) Contaminant mobility and carbon sequestration downstream of the Ajka (Hungary) red mud spill: The effects of gypsum dosing, Science of the Total Environment, 421–422, 253–259.
Feigl, V., Anton, A., Uzinger, N., Gruiz, K. (2012) Red mud as a chemical stabilizer for soil contaminated with toxic metals, Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 223 (3), 1237–1247.
Mayes, W.M., Jarvis, A.P., Burke, I.T., Walton, M., Feigl, V., Klebercz, O., Gruiz, K. (2011) Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary, Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (12), 5147–5155.
Fenyvesi, É., Balogh, K., Oláh, E., Bátai, B., Varga, E., Molnár, M., Gruiz, K. (2011) Cyclodextrins for remediation of soils contaminated with chlorinated organics, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry (ISSN: 1388-3127), 70(3-4), 291–297.
Hajdu, Cs., Nagy, Zs. M., Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K. (2011) Application of cyclodextrins in environmental bioassays, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry (ISSN: 1388-3127), 70:(3-4), 307–313.
Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Fenyvesi, É., Hajdú, Cs., Atkari, Á., Barkács, K. (2011) Cyclodextrins in innovative engineering tools for risk-based environmental management, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry (ISSN: 1388-3127), 70:(3-4), 299–306.
Feigl, V., Gruiz, K., Anton, A. (2010) Remediation of metal ore mine waste using combined chemical- and phytostabilisation, Periodica Polytechnica, 54 (2), 71–80.
Gruiz, K., Feigl, V., Hajdu, Cs., Tolner, M. (2010) Environmental toxicity testing of contaminated soil based on microcalorimetry, Environmental Toxicology, Special Issue: 14th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, 25 (5), 479–486.
Feigl, V., Uzinger, N., Gruiz, K., Anton, A. (2009) Reduction of abiotic stress in a metal polluted agricultural area by combined chemical and phytostabilisation, Cereal Research Communications, 37, Suppl. 465–468.
Sipter, E., Auerbach, R., Gruiz, K. and Máthé-Gáspár G. (2009) Change of bioaccumulation of toxic metals in vegetables, Commun. Soil Sci. Plan., 40(1), 285–293.
Sipter, E., Rózsa, E., Gruiz, K., Tátrai, E. and Morvai, V. (2008) Site-specific risk assessment in contaminated vegetable gardens, Chemosphere, 71, 1301–1307.
Leitgib, L., Gruiz, K., Fenyvesi, É., Balogh, G., Murányi, A. (2008) Development of an innovative soil remediation: “Cyclodextrin-enhanced combined technology”, Science of the Total Environment, 392, 12–21.
Leitgib, L., Kálmán, J. and Gruiz, K. (2007) Comparison of bioassays by testing whole soil and their water extract from contaminated sites, Chemosphere, 66, 428–434,
Molnár, M., Gruiz, K. and Halász, M. (2007) Integrated methodology to evaluate bioremediation potential of creosote-contaminated soils, Periodica Polytechnica, Chemical Engineering, 51/1, 23–32.
Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K., Verstichel, S., De Vilde, B., Leitgib, L., Csabai, K. and Szaniszló, N. (2005) Biodegradation of cyclodextrines in soil, Chemosphere, 60, 1001–1008.
Molnár, M., Leitgib, L., Gruiz, K., Fenyvesi, É., Szaniszló, N., Szejtli, J., Fava, F. (2005) Enhanced biodegradation of transformer oil in soils with cyclodextrin – from the laboratory to the field – Biodegradation, 16, 159–168.
Sipter, E.; Auerbach, R. and Gruiz, K. (2005) Ecotoxicological testing and risk assessment of a heavy metal contaminated site, Toxicol. Lett. 158, Suppl, 1, 253–254.
Fenyvesi, E., Csabai, K., Molnár, M., Gruiz, K., Murányi, A. and Szejtli, J. (2002) Quantitative and qualitative analysis of RAMEB in soil, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 44, 413–416.
Molnár, M., Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K., Leitgib, L., Balogh, G., Murányi, A. and Szejtli, J. (2002) Effects of RAMEB on bioremediation of different soils contaminated with hydrocarbons, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 44, 447–452.
Dobler, R., Burri, P., Gruiz, K., Brandl, H. and Bachofen, R. (2001) Variability in microbial population in soil highly polluted with heavy metals on the basis of substrate utilization pattern analysis, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 1 (3), 151–158.
Gruiz, K., Murányi, A., Molnár, M., Horváth, B. (1998) Risk assessment of heavy metal contamination in the Danube sediments from Hungary, Water Science and Technology, 37 (6–7), 273–281.
Horváth, B., Gruiz, K., Sára, B. (1997) Ecotoxicological testing of soil by four bacterial biotests, Toxicological And Environmental Chemistry, 58(1-4), 223–235.
Gruiz, K., Fenyvesi, E., Kriston, E., Molnar, M., Horvath, B. (1996) Potential use of cyclodextrins in soil bioremediation, Journal Of Inclusion Phenomena And Molecular Recognition In Chemistry, 25(1-3), 233–236.
Gruiz, K., Kriston, E. (1995) In situ bioremediation of hydrocarbon in soil, Journal Of Soil Contamination, 4(2), 163–173.
Lektorált folyóiratcikkek:
Gruiz, K. (2017) Szennyezett területek felmérése és monitorozása (szerk. Gruiz Katalin, Meggyes Tamás, Fenyvesi Éva), Magyar kémikusok lapja, 72:(4), 124–125.
Gruiz, K. (2015) Környezetkárosodás és szennyezettség – problémák és menedzsmentjük (Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management: 1. Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, 2014. CRC Press Balkema) Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 70:(1) p. 17.
Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T. (2009) Summary, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), pp. 731, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Sarkadi, A., Vaszita, E., Tolner, M. and Gruiz, K. (2009) In situ site assessment: a short overview and description of the field-portable XRF and its application, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 433–444, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K. (2009) The WEB-based information system and decision support tool. The structure and use of the MOKKA IT tool, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 697–704, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Fenyvesi, É. (2009) Verification tool for in situ soil remediation, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 663–686, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Fenyvesi, É., Leitgib, L., Gruiz, K., Balogh, K., Murányi, A. (2009) Demonstration of soil bioremediation enhanced by cyclodextrin, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 613–620, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Molnár, M., Leitgib, L., Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K. (2009) Development of cyclodextrin enhanced soil bioremediation: from laboratory to field, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 601–612, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Fenyvesi, É.; Molnár, M., Gruiz, K. (2009) Cyclodextrin-enhanced soil remediation technologies, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 587–600, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K. (2009) In situ soil remediation: the reactor approach, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 555–578, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K. (2009) Soil bioremediation: a bioengineering tool, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 545–554, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K. (2009) Contaminated site remediation: role and classification, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 535–544, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K. (2009) Risk assessment and environmental data interpretation, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 511–513, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Molnár, M., Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K., Illés, G., Nagy, Z., Hajdu, C., Kánnai, P. (2009) Laboratory testing of biodegradation in soil: a comparison of chemical and biological methods, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 497–510, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Hajdu, Cs., Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K. (2009) Bioavailability- and bioaccessibility-dependent mutagenicity of pentachlorophenol (PCP), Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 475–484, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K. (2009) Early warning and environmental monitoring, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 387–406, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K. (2009) Integrated and efficient assessment of polluted sites, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 373–386, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K. (2009) Scientific and engineering „improvement” of environmental risk management by MOKKA, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 343–346, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Vaszita, E., Siki, Z., Gruiz, K. (2009) GIS-based Quantitative Hazard and Risk Assessment of an abandoned mining site, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 515–534, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E. (2009) Microcosm models and experiments: types and application, In: Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 463–464, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K., Szabó, J. (2009) Complex leaching of metal sulphide containing mine waste and soil in microcosms, Land Contamination & Reclamation (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.), 17 (3–4), 465–474, EPP Publications Limited, UK.
Feigl, V., Uzinger, N., Gruiz, K. (2009) Chemical stabilisation of toxic metals in soil microcosms, Land Contamination and Reclamation, 17 (3–4), 483–494.
Feigl, V., Anton, A., Gruiz, K. (2009) Combined chemical and phytostabilisation: field application, Land Contamination and Reclamation, 17 (3–4), 577–584.
Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Feigl, V. (2009) Measuring adverse effect of contaminated soil using interactive and dynamic methods, Land Contamination and Reclamation, 17 (3–4), 443–459.
Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Siki, Z., Feigl, V., Fekete, F. (2009) Complex environmental risk management of a former mining site, Land Contamination and Reclamation, 17 (3–4), 355–367.
Hajdu, Cs., Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K. (2009) Cyclodextrins in Environmental Bioassays, Cyclodextrin News (Edited and produced by Cyclolab ISSN 0951-256X), Vol. 23. No. 10, 1–10.
Feigl, V., Atkári, Á., Anton, A., Gruiz, K. (2007) Chemical stabilisation combined with phytostabilisation applied to mine waste contaminated soils in Hungary, Advanced Materials Research, 20–21, 315–318.
Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Siki, Z., Feigl, V. (2007) Environmental risk management of an abandoned mining site in Hungary, Advanced Materials Research, 20–21, 221–225.
Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Siki, Z. (2007) Environmental toxicity testing in the risk assessment of a metal contaminated mining site in Hungary, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 20–21, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland,, 193–196.
Gruiz, K. (2005) Biological tools for soil ecotoxicity evaluation: Soil testing triad and the interactive ecotoxicity tests for contaminated soil, Soil Remediation Series NO 6., (Ed. Fabio Fava; Peitro Canepa), ISBN: 88-88214-33-X, pp. 45–70, INCA, Italy.
Feigl, V. (2019) Remediation technologies for metal-contaminated soil and sediment – an overview and a case study of combined chemical and phytostabilization, In: Katalin, Gruiz; Tamás, Meggyes; Éva, Fenyvesi (szerk.) – Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management 4. Risk Reduction Technologies and Case Studies, LONDON : CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group, Chapter 8 , 32 p.
Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K., Morillo, E., Villaverde, J. (2019) Traditional and innovative methods for physical and chemical remediation of soil contaminated with organic contaminants, In: Katalin, Gruiz; Tamás, Meggyes; Éva, Fenyvesi (szerk.) – Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management 4. Risk Reduction Technologies and Case Studies, LONDON : CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group, Chapter 6 , 78 p.
Kovács, R. ; Szilágyi, N. ; Kenyeres, I. ; Gruiz, K. (2019) Ecoengineering tools: passive artificial ecosystems, In: Katalin, Gruiz; Tamás, Meggyes; Éva, Fenyvesi (szerk.) – Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management 4. Risk Reduction Technologies and Case Studies LONDON : CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group, Chapter 4 , 40 p.
Gruiz, K. (2019) In situ soil remediation: the reactor approach (2019) In: Katalin, Gruiz; Tamás, Meggyes; Éva, Fenyvesi (szerk.) – Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management 4. Risk Reduction Technologies and Case Studies LONDON : CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group, Chapter 2 , 164 p.
Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Fenyvesi, É. (2019) Planning, monitoring, verification and sustainability of soil remediation, In: Katalin, Gruiz; Tamás, Meggyes; Éva, Fenyvesi (szerk.) – Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management 4. Risk Reduction Technologies and Case Studies, LONDON : CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group, Chapter 11 , 52 p.
Molnár, M., Gruiz, K., Fenyvesi, É. Biodegradation-based remediation – overview and case studies (2019) In: Katalin, Gruiz; Tamás, Meggyes; Éva, Fenyvesi (szerk.) – Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management 4. Risk Reduction Technologies and Case Studies, LONDON : CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group, Chapter 5 , 42 p.
Siebert, H.M., Florian, G., Sand, W., Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K., Csőváry, M., Földing, G., Berta, Zs., Árgyelán, J.T. (2019) Leaching, bioleaching and acid mine drainage case study, In: Katalin, Gruiz; Tamás, Meggyes; Éva, Fenyvesi (szerk.) – Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management 4. Risk Reduction Technologies and Case Studies, LONDON : CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group, Chapter 7 , 52 p.
Fenyvesi, É., Hajdu, Cs., Gruiz, K. (2016) Potential of cyclodextrins in risk assessment and monitoring of organic contaminants, In: Site Assessment and Monitoring Tools, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 3, (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.), CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN: 978-1-138-00156-5, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 403–417.
Gruiz, K. (2016) Integrated and efficient characterization of contaminated sites, In: Site Assessment and Monitoring Tools, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 3, (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.), CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN: 978-1-138-00156-5, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 1–89.
Gruiz, K. (2016) Monitoring and early warning in environmental management, In: Site Assessment and Monitoring Tools, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 3, (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.), CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN: 978-1-138-00156-5, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 99–169.
Gruiz, K., Fenyvesi, É. (2016) In situ and real-time measurements in water monitoring, In: Site Assessment and Monitoring Tools, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 3, (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.), CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN: 978-1-138-00156-5, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 181–231.
Gruiz, K. (2015) A general overview, In: Environmental toxicology, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 2 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN 978-1-138-00155-8, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 1–63.
Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Nagy, Zs.M., Hajdu, Cs. (2015) Fate and behaviour of chemical substances in the environment In: Environmental toxicology, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 2 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN 978-1-138-00155-8, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 71–117.
Gruiz, K. (2015) Human toxicology, In: Environmental toxicology, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 2 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN 978-1-138-00155-8, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 125–164.
Gruiz, K., Hajdu, Cs., Meggyes, T. (2015) Data evaluation and interpretation in environmental toxicology, In: Environmental toxicology, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 2 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN 978-1-138-00155-8, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 445–533.
Gruiz, K., Molnár, M. (2015) Aquatic toxicology, In: Environmental toxicology, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 2 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN 978-1-138-00155-8, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 171–222.
Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Feigl, V., Hajdu, Cs., Nagy, Zs.M., Klebercz, O., Fekete-Kertész, I., Ujaczki, É., Tolner, M. (2015) Terrestrial toxicology, In: Environmental toxicology, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 2 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN 978-1-138-00155-8, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 229–310.
Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Feigl, V., Vaszita, E., Klebercz, O. (2015) Microcosm models and technologycal experiments, In: Environmental toxicology, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 2 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN 978-1-138-00155-8, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 401–444.
Hajdu, Cs, Gruiz, K. (2015) Bioaccessibility and bioavailability in risk assessment, In: Environmental toxicology, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 2 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN 978-1-138-00155-8, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 337–391.
Gruiz, K. (2014) Environmental problems – An overview, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 1–40.
Gruiz, K. (2014) Threat by chemical substances: Legislation, production, use and waste, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 41–76.
Gruiz, K. (2014) Abandoned and contaminated land, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 77–92.
Vaszita, E. (2014) Environmental risk of mining, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 113–126.
Gruiz, K., Klebercz, O. (2014) Environmental risk of waste and its management, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 135–166.
Gruiz, K. (2014) Scientific and engineering improvement of environmental risk management, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 381–430.
Gruiz, K., Sára, B., Vaszita, E. (2014) Risk management of chemicals and contaminated land – from planning to verification, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 227–295.
Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Clement, A. (2014) Site-specific risk assessment and management of point and diffuse sources, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 313–372.
Siki, Z., Gruiz, K. (2014) Managing environmental knowledge and the necessary IT tools, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 431–446.
Spira, Y., Gruiz, K., Uzinger, N., Anton, A. (2014) Management of abandoned and contaminated land, In: Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, Engineering tools for environmental risk management 1 (Eds. Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É.) CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 167–194.
Feigl, V., Anton, A., Gruiz, K. (2010) An innovative technology for metal polluted soil – combined chemical and phytostabilisation, In: Construction for a sustainable environment (Eds. Sarsby, R. W. and Meggyes, T.), Proceedings of the International Conference of Construction for a Sustainable Environment, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1–4 July, 2008, ISBN 978-0-415-56617-9, Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 187–195.
Gruiz, K., Vaszita E., Feigl, V., Siki, Z. (2010) Environmental risk management of diffuse pollution of mining origin, In: Construction for a sustainable environment (Eds. Sarsby, R. W. and Meggyes, T.), Proceedings of the International Conference of Construction for a Sustainable Environment, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1–4 July, 2008, ISBN 978-0-415-56617-9, Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 219–228.
Gruiz, K., Molnár, M. and Fenyvesi, É. (2008) Evaluation and Verification of Soil Remediation; In: Environmental Microbiology Research Trends (Ed: G. V. Kurladze), ISBN 1-60021-939-X, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, US, pp. 1–57.
Lektorált konferenciacikkek:
Ujaczki, É., Zimmermann, Y.S., Feigl, V., Lenz, M. (2015) Recovery of rare earth elements from Hungarian red mud with combined acid leaching and liquid-liquid extraction. Proceedings of the Bauxite residue valorisation and best practices conference, 2015. October 5–7, Leuven, Belgium, 339–346.
Egyéb publikációk:
Molnár, M., Csernyánszky, V., Ujaczki, É., Feigl, V., Farkas, É., Vaszita, E., Erdélyi, A., Gruiz, K. (2016) Szabadföldi kísérletek vörösiszapos talaj hasznosítását célzó talajjavítási technológia kidolgozására, Agrárágazat, 17, Április, 54–55
Feigl, V., Molnár, M., Ujaczki, É., Klebercz, O., Fekete-Kertész, I., Tolner, M., Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K. (2015) Ecotoxicity of biochars from organic wastes focusing on their use as soil ameliroant, Conference Proceedings of AquaConSoil 2015, 13th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources, 2015. június 9–12, Copenhagen, Dánia, Theme 2., p. 6
Feigl, V., Mogyorós, E., Klebercz, O., Ujaczki, É., Gruiz, K. (2013) Capillary barrier systems from construction wastes to cover red mud reservoirs, Conference Proceedings of AquaConSoil 2013, április 16–19, Barcelona, Spanyolország, ThS A5, paper 2248
Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Feigl V., Klebercz, O., Ujaczki, É., Anton, A. (2013) Environmental risk assessment of red mud contaminated soil in Hungary, Conference Proceedings of AquaConSoil 2013, 2013. április 16–19, Barcelona, Spanyolország, ThS C1, paper 2292
Tolner, M., Molnár, M., Feigl, V., Klebercz, O., Ujaczki, É., Gruiz, K. (2013) Field portable XRF analyser for mine waste and red mud polluted soil, Conference Proceedings of AquaConSoil 2013, 2013. április 16–19, Barcelona, Spanyolország, ThS C2, paper 2247
Ujaczki, É., Klebercz, O., Lerner, T., Feigl, V., Gruiz, K. (2013) Integrated monitoring of red mud contaminated soil in microcosms, Conference Proceedings of AquaConSoil 2013, 2013. április 16–19, Barcelona, Spanyolország, ThS D1, paper 2473
Klebercz, O., Böröndi, T., Magos, Z., Feigl, V., Uzinger, N., Gruiz, K. (2013) Scaled-up experiments for composing cultivation media from degraded soils and waste amendments, Conference Proceedings of AquaConSoil 2013, 2013. április 16–19, Barcelona, Spanyolország, ThS E3, paper 2345
Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K., Siki, Z., Feigl, V., Klebercz, O., Ujaczki, É., Fekete-Kertész, I. (2013) The ENFO knowledge base to support efficient management of waste utilization on soil, Conference Proceedings of AquaConSoil 2013, 2013. április 16–19, Barcelona, Spanyolország, ThS E3, paper 2246
Fekete-Kertész, I., Molnár, M., Nagy, Zs., Eller N., Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K. (2013) Ecotoxicological methods for monitoring the effects of micropollutants in waters, Proceedings Aquaconsoil 2013, Theme C: Assessment and monitoring, paper 2352
Molnár, M., Gruiz, K., Hajdu, Cs., Nagy, Zs., Fenyvesi, É. (2013) Tiered approach for environmental risk assessment of emerging pollutants in aquatic systems, Proceedings Aquaconsoil 2013, Theme C: Assessment and monitoring, paper 2381
Nagy, Zs., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Fekete-Kertész, I., Fenyvesi, É., Perlné Molnár, I. (2013) Removal of emerging micropollutants from water using cyclodextrin, Proceedings Aquaconsoil 2013, Theme C: Assessment and monitoring, paper 2323
Klebercz, O., Feigl, V., Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K., Kovács, J., Kőfalusi, V. (2012) Waste for waste: a new management approach in deteriorated soil remediation, Conference Proceedings CD of GeoCongress 2012, 2012. március 25–29, Oakland, California, USA, 4005–4014.
Gruiz, K., Feigl, V., Klebercz, O., Anton, A., Vaszita, E. (2012) Environmental risk assessment of red mud contaminated land in Hungary, Conference Proceedings CD of GeoCongress 2012, 2012. március 25–29, Oakland, California, USA, 4156–4165.
Feigl, V., Gruiz, K., Anton, A. (2010) Combined chemical and phytostabilisation of an acidic mine waste – Long-term field experiment, Conference Proceedings CD of Consoil 2010, 2010. szeptember 22–24, Salzburg, Ausztria, Consoil 2010 Posters A3-24
Gruiz, K., Feigl, V., Vaszita, E., Klebercz, O., Újaczky, É., Atkári, Á. (2010) An integrated approach for the utilization of waste on soil – Innovative manegement and technologies, Conference Proceedings CD of Consoil 2010, 2010. szeptember 22–24, Salzburg, Ausztria, Consoil 2010 Ths B2
Klebercz, O., Gruiz, K., Feigl, V., Anton, A. (2010) Introducing the project SOILUTIL, Conference Proceedings CD of Consoil 2010, 2010. szeptember 22–24, Salzburg, Ausztria, Consoil 2010 Posters A3-39
Tolner, M., Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K. (2010) On-site screening and monitoring of pollution by a field-portable x-ray fluorescence measuring device In: Proceedings CD, ConSoil 2010 Conference, Salzburg 22–24 September, 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-032099-6.
Vaszita, E. and Gruiz, K. (2010) Scoring based Risk Assessment in an abandoned base metal sulphide mining area, Proceedings CD, ConSoil 2010 Conference, Salzburg 22–24 September, 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-032099-6.
Molnár, M., Fenyvesi, É. Lantos, N., Fehér, Zs., Gruiz, K. (2010) Innovative remediation of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated hydrocarbons, Proceedings CD, ConSoil 2010 Conference, Salzburg 22–24 September, 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-032099-6.
Hajdu, Cs., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Bertalan, Zs. (2010) Evaluation and interpretation of toxicity: 4-chlorophenol equivalent for organic contaminants, Proceedings CD, ConSoil 2010 Conference, Salzburg 22–24 September, 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-032099-6.
Nagy, Zs., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Fenyvesi, É. (2010) Biodegradation in 4-chlorophenol contaminated soil, Proceedings CD, ConSoil 2010 Conference, Salzburg 22–24 September, 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-032099-6.
Feigl, V., Anton, A., Gruiz, K. (2008) Kombinált kémiai és fitostabilizácó alkalmazása szabadföldi kísérletben, Országos Környezetvédelmi Konferencia, Siófok 2008. Szeptember 16–18, Konferencia Kiadvány, 83–93.
Feigl, V., Anton, A., Fekete, F., Gruiz, K. (2008) Combined chemical and phytostabilisation of metal polluted soil – from microcosms to field experiments, Proceedings of the 10th International UFZ-Deltares/TNO Conference on Soil-Water Systems in cooperation with Provincia di Milano, ConSoil 2008, “CD” (3–6 June, 2008, Milano, ISBN 978-3-00-024598-5), Theme E, 823–830.
Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Zaletnyik, P., Siki, Z. (2008) GIS-based catchment scale modelling of toxic metal transport by erosion in an abandoned mining area, Proceedings of the 10th International UFZ-Deltares/TNO Conference on Soil-Water Systems in cooperation with Provincia di Milano, ConSoil 2008, “CD” (3–6 June, 2008, Milano, ISBN 978-3-00-024598-5), Theme F, 301–310.
Molnár, M., Gruiz, K. and Fenyvesi, É. (2008) Comparative evaluation of biological methods to support decision making for biodegradation based remediation, Proceedings of the 10th International UFZ-Deltares/TNO Conference on Soil-Water Systems in cooperation with Provincia di Milano, ConSoil 2008, “CD” (3–6 June, 2008, Milano, ISBN 978-3-00-024598-5), Theme E, 854–863.
Hajdu, Cs., Gruiz, K. and Fenyvesi, É. (2008) Cycodextrine enhanced mutegenicity of pentachlorphenol, Proceedings of the 10th International UFZ-Deltares/TNO Conference on Soil-Water Systems in cooperation with Provincia di Milano, ConSoil 2008, “CD” (3–6 June, 2008, Milano, ISBN 978-3-00-024598-5), Theme D, 436–443.
Feigl V., Atkári Á., Uzinger N., Gruiz K. (2006) Fémmel szennyezett területek integrált kémiai és fitostabilizációja, Országos Környezetvédelmi Konferencia és Szakkiállítás kiadványa, Siófok 2006. szeptember 19–21, Konferencia Kiadvány, 99–108.
Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E. and Siki, Z. (2006) Bányászati eredetű diffúz szennyezettség komplex kezelése, Országos Környezetvédelmi Konferencia és Szakkiállítás kiadványa, Siófok, 2006. szeptember 19–21, pp.109–122.
Gruiz, K. (2006) Modern kockázatközpontú környezetmenedzsment alapjai, XX Országos Környezetvédelmi Konferencia és Szakkiállítás kiadványa, 2006. október 24–26, Balatonfüred, pp. 44–50.
Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E. and Siki, Z. (2005) Environmental risk management of mining sites with diffuse pollution, Conference Proceedings, CD (9th International FZK/TNO Conference on Soil-Water Systems, 3–7 October, 2005, Bordeaux) Theme F, Eds. O. Uhlmann, G.J. Annokkée, F. Arendt, pp. 2568–2574.
Sipter, E., Auerbach, R., Gruiz, K.; Máthé-Gáspár, G. (2005) Bioaccumulation of toxic metals in vegetable species: Pot experiment, Conference Proceedings, CD (9th International FZK/TNO Conference on Soil-Water Systems, 3–7 October, 2005, Bordeaux) Theme C, Eds. O. Uhlmann, G.J. Annokkée, F. Arendt, pp. 1331–1336.
Fenyvesi, É., Gruiz, K., Verstichel, S., De Wilde, B., Leitgib, L., Csabai, K., Szaniszló, N. and Szejtli, J. (2004) Biodegradation of cyclodextrins in soil, Proceedings of the 12th International Cyclodextrin Symposium, Montpellier, May 16–19, pp. 605–609.
Fenyvesi, É., Molnár, M., Gruiz, K., Murányi, A., Szaniszló, N., Csabai, K., Szejtli, J. (2003) Effect of randomly methylated cyclodextrins on hydrocarbon contaminats in soil – In: Conference Proceedings, CD (8th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil 12–16 May, 2003, Gent), Theme C, FZK, OVAM, TNO, pp. 2296 – 2304.
Molnár, M., Gruiz, K., Fenyvesi, É, Leitgib, L., Halász, M., Szeitli, J. (2003) Integrated methodology in the monitoring of soil bioremediation, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, ConSoil 2003, pp.1445-1454, CA: 141:354364.
Gruiz, K. (2003) Interactive Ecotoxicity Tests for Contaminated Soil, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, ConSoil 2003, pp. 267-275, CA: 141:394830
Szécsényi-Nagy, Z., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M., Balogh, G. (2003) Adaptation of the microflora to soil contaminants, Wissenschaftliche berichte, ConSoil 2003, pp. 2772-2780, CA: 141:410398
Leitgib, L., Gruiz, K., Molnar, M., Fenyvesi, É. (2003) bioremediation of Transformer Oil Contaminated Soil, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, ConSoil 2003, pp. 2762-2771, CA: 141:410397
Sipter, E., Menczel, I. and Gruiz, K. (2003) Methods for the site specific human health risk assessment of toxic metals containing cultivated plants, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, ConSoil 2003, pp. 3401-3408, CA: 141:93812
Molnár, M., Leitgib, L., Gruiz, K., Fenyvesi, É., Szejtli, J., Fava, F, (2003) Enhanced biodegradation of transformer oil in soils with cyclodextrin – from the laboratory to the field, Proceedings of the Second Bioremediation Conference (Chania, Crete, Greece, 2003) pp. 139–142.
Gruiz K. (2003) A területhasználat, a környezeti kockázat és a természetes szennyezőanyag-csökkenés összefüggései, Környezetvédelmi Füzetek, 2003. július, pp. 1–60.
Horváth, B., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M. and Kovács, Sz. (2000) Assessment of long term ecological risk of toxic metals by examining the alteration of their bioavailability, ConSoil 2000, Thomas Telford, Leipzig, pp. 896–901.
Horvath, B., Gruiz, K. (1995) Ecotoxicological testing of contaminated soil, In: van den Brink WJ, Bosman R, Arendt F (EDs), Contaminated Soil ’95: Proceedings of the fifth international FZK/TNO conference on contaminated soil, Maastricht, Holland, 1995.10.30-1995.11.03. Springer-Verlag Wien, (ISBN:0-7923-3820-0 (set)), pp. 619-620.
Könyv/Folyóirat (szerkesztés, írás)
Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É. (Eds) (2019) Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management, 4. Risk Reduction Technologies and Case Studies, CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, 558p., ISBN: 9781138001572 ISBN: 9781317697428,
Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É. (Eds) (2016) Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management, 3. Site Assessment and Monitoring Tools, CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, 447p., ISBN: 978-1-138-00156-5
Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É. (Eds) (2015) Engineering tools for environmental risk management, 2. Environmental toxicology, CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, 447p., ISBN 978-1-138-00155-8
Gruiz, K., Meggyes, T., Fenyvesi, É. (Eds) (2014) Engineering tools for environmental risk management, 1. Environmental Deterioration and Contamination – Problems and their Management, CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, 447p., ISBN:978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF).
Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T. (Eds. ) (2009) Land Contamination & Reclamation, 17 (3–4), EPP Publication Limited, UK.
Gruiz K., Horváth, B., Molnár, M. (2001) Környezettoxikológia – Vegyi anyagok hatása az ökoszisztémára, Műegyetemi Kiadó, Budapest.
Csáki, F., Gruiz, K., Horváth, Zs., Márton, P., Puzder, T., Sajgó, Zs. (2001) Kármentesitési kézikönyv 4. – Kármentesitési technológiák, KTM.
Dura, Gy., Gruiz, K., László, E., Vadász, Zs. (2001) Kármentesitési Kézikönyv 3. – Szennyezett területek részletes mennyiségi kockázatfelmérése, Elméleti és módszertani alapok, KTM, Budapest.