On 8-10 September 2021 our group was represented again at the ICEMM11 conference (11th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management) with an on-line presentation. The presentation was held by Dr.Viktória Feigl, who presented the results of direct mutagenicity testing conducted on complex environmental samples. The abstract of the lecture was published in the Book of Abstracts under the following details:
Rita Márton, Viktória Feigl, Ildikó Fekete-Kertész, Mónika Molnár: DIRECT MUTAGENICITY TESTING AS PART OF THE ECOTOXICITY TEST BATTERY FOR THE ASSESSMENT COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES, 2021, 11th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, ICEEM11, 8 – 10 SEPTEMBER 2021 MUTTENZ, SWITZERLAND, Book of abstracts, 231-232, ECOZONE Publishing House, Iasi, ISSN 2457-7049, ISSN-L 2457-7049
Under the tagline Environmental Engineering for a Clean and Healthy Planet, ICEEM11 aimed to be a platform for scientific dissemination boosting internationalization, multi-disciplinarity and collaboration in research.
Information about the programme of the conference, about the organisers and other details can be reached through the conference webpage: http://iceem.ro/