We participated at the CELSA Round Table Discussion hosted by BME

The Round Table Discussion of the “Central Europe Leuven Strategic Alliance”  (CELSA) was hosted by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) on the 16th November 2017.  Besides BME, the following universities were represented at the event:  KU Leuven (Belgium),  Charles University (Czech Republic), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia),  Semmelweis University (Hungary) and ELTE (Hungary).

Each participant university presented a successful  H2020 project with positive effect on the society.  BME’s selected H2020 project, presented by Dr. Feigl Viktória, was the  Scale (Scandium Aluminium Europe) . The main aim of the project is the efficient exploitation of EU high concentration scandium containing resources including bauxite residues (100-150 ppm) resulting from alumina production and acid wastes (50-100 ppm) from TiO2 pigment production to develop a stable and secure EU scandium supply chain to serve the needs of EU aerospace and high tech industry. Consequently, the project fits well into the Circular Economy Model of the EC.