We participated at the joint Congresses ECCE12 (the 12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering) and ECAB 5 (the 5th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology) organised by the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE)), the European Society of Biochemical Engineering Science (ESBES) and the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC) in Florence between 14-19, September, 2019 (http://www.ecce12-ecab5.org/).
The conferences covered a wide range of research themes under the umbrella of Chemical Engineering and Applied Biotechnology. The topics treated were all typical of Chemical Engineering and Applied Biotechnologies, from the classical ones, like process simulation and reactor design, to the most current ones, like nanotechnologies, bio-fuels, bio-catalysts, food and water, that represent the challenges of the future and are of interest to everybody.
Our group was represented by Emese Vaszita, who presented in an e-poster the most recent results of one of our research topics, biochar, as soil amendment. The poster detailed the results of a laboratory incubation study monitoring the effects of artificial biological aging on the physicochemical, biological and ecotoxicological properties of five biochar types.
The e-poster can be viewed at the conference webpage (Screen 44, P/392): http://www.livecongress.it/posters/public/viewer/C456CB6E#posters/screen-04
The abstract of the presentation is available in the Book of Abstracts, page: 1832-1833 of the Conference:
Molnár, M., Kőszegi, M., Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K., Farkas, É. (2019) Influence of artificial biological aging on physicochemical, biological and ecotoxicological properties of five biochars – a laboratory incubation study, ECCE12, The 12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, ECAB5, The 5th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Florence 15-19 September 2019, Book of Abstracts, pp. 1832-1833, ISBN : 978-88-95608-75-4, DOI: 10.3303/BOA1901