We participated at the 7th European Cyclodextrin Conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5-8th September 2023

We participated at the 7th European Cyclodextrin Conference  in Budapest, Hungary on 5-8th September 2023.

The event continues  the traditions of the conference series (2009 Aalborg, Denmark; 2011 Asti, Italy; 2013 Antalya, Turkey; 2015 Lille, France; 2017 Lisbon, Portugal; 2019 Santiago de Compostela, Spain) with a special focus on young researchers and students.

The aim of the conference series is to provide an European platform for the enhancement of scientific knowledge on cyclodextrins and to promote the exploitation of their unique properties in various applications.

Our group was represented by Dr. Mónika Molnár, Zsófia Berkl and Rita Márton who presented the results of our scientific work in the poster session.

  1. MODULATION OF BACTERIAL COMMUNICATION BY CYCLODEXTRINS – CURRENT RESEARCH TRENDS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES (A bakteriális kommunikáció befolyásolása ciklodextrinekkel – aktuális kutatási trendek és jövőbeli perspektívák)

Mónika Molnár, Rita Márton, Ildikó Fekete-Kertész, Imre Németh, Lajos Szente, Éva Fenyvesi, Zsófia Berkl


     2. α-CYCLODEXTRIN FROM AN ECOTOXICOLOGICAL POINT OF VIEW – EXAMINATION OF THE POTENTIAL TOXICITY WITH A COMPLEX METHODOLOGY (Az α-ciklodextrin ökotoxicitása – a potenciális toxicitás vizsgálata egy komplex metodológiával)

Zsófia Berkl , Ildikó Fekete-Kertész, Klaudia Benei, Éva Fenyvesi, Lajos Szente, Mónika Molnár