Dr. Feigl Viktoria participated on behalf of our group at the ISMET8 -International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology – GLOBAL CONFERENCE in Chania, Crete on 19-23 September, 2022, organised by the Technical University of Crete, the University of Ghent and the University of Alcalá.
The following poster (ID 222_Conference programme page 25 ) was presented on behalf of the group:
Mónika Molnár, Zsófia Berkl, Éva Farkas, Ildikó Fekete-Kertész, Rita Márton, Imre Németh, Szabina Molnár, Emese Vaszita, Viktória Feigl:
Ecotoxicity test batteries for the monitoring of bio-electrochemical system based remediation technologies
The abstract of the poster presentation can be reached in the e-book of abstracts at: ISMET8 eBook-of-Abstracts.pdf